
Compared to other Indian states, Kerala lies closer to the equator. Yet Kerala is bestowed with a pleasant and equable climate through out the year. This is because of the land's nearness to the sea and the presence of the fort like Western Ghats on the east. Kerala would have been a dry land because of the dry winds blowing from the north, but for the Western Ghats which prevent this wind from entering the land.

Unlike Tamilnadu which is located on the east coast of India, which is also known as the Coromandel Coast. Chennai is largely dependent on NE monsoon, as 65% of rains are received in this season.

During this rainy season, both the places Kerala and Tamilnadu are very plasent in nature and we can see some rare seens of huge rainbows,......

You can have view of such rainbows while traveling in train to Kerala from Tamilnadu, I see somebody glued to reading
 And by evening, the sunsets and the water body shines,.....